Thursday, 29 September 2011

Study Trailers: District 9

District 9 trailer:

Studying the trailer without sound:
Trailer starts off with a quick flash of QED and Tristar logos. We are then shown a video which seems to be shakey showing that they are in a car, the camera is then pointed at a spaceship and fades to black. 'They Came here 28 years ago' comes out of the black, in white text and quickly cuts off again to the next scene. The next shot is of a soldier of which we presume to be in a helicopter. 'Coexistance has never been easy', another flash of text that zooms closer to the audience,

the trailer so far seems to be easy to understand even without the sound with pretty strong text to engage the audience in. Two shots which seem like a news report with a rolling banner at the bottom. Woman is quickly shown, seems to be asked a question in which she is replying. Next is a montage of banners and posters about the aliens being segregated and that places are only for humans. 'Why won't we let them leave'. Quick flash, we see an alien, quick cut, into a zoom. Subtitle 'We just want to go home'.

Static/wavey lines, cuts out alien and introduces Peter jackson presents a film by Niell Blomkamp. A birds eye view, seems to be a slum, then cuts into a news report again. Quick montage of the place around, soldiers in helicopters with guns and barbed wire, seems just like it's a concentration camp. See a man possibly the main character? waiting to be confirmed. Helicopters. Security camera, an interesting view as apposed just a mid shot, black and white colour. Shows images that seem like a lab. Main Character (?) finds something interesting. Multiple close ups on object, probably of importance. Character gets sprayed with something, jump cut, image of the guy coughing/choking? Usual montages of the trailer, helicopters. Guns, faster paced video now. Lots going on, violence. Lots of cuts and flashing. Explosions. Giant Sunset, possibly means it's in the Africa (Lion King Sunset).

Lots of drama. Robots. Alien has been captured. Shady Silouettes in front of a window. Spaceship in the air. District 9- Title Screen. Date. Website- advertisement to find out more. Credits.

Another Person's Opinion!

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